The pleasure and satisfaction derived from sex are good for our
health. S..ex is a great way to reduce levels of emotional stress and also
a bonding experience that helps to strengthen relationships.
It’s a very fun activity. However, s..ex has its risks. For instance, se..xually transmitted diseases (STDs) can cause emotional, physical and mental irritation. They can also lead to serious medical problems such as infertility.
Below are the ways you can protect yourself from se..xually transmitted diseasesIt’s a very fun activity. However, s..ex has its risks. For instance, se..xually transmitted diseases (STDs) can cause emotional, physical and mental irritation. They can also lead to serious medical problems such as infertility.
1. Get Vaccinated
There are currently two types of STDs that can be prevented with a vaccine: human papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis.
There are two vaccines that prevent HPV: Cervarix and Gardasil. Cervarix protects against HPV 16 and 18 which usually cause most cases of cervical cancer. Meanwhile, Gardasil protects against the two types of HPV mentioned above as well as others that cause the majority of genital warts.
Both vaccines are most effective when given to women who just have started having seex. Another vaccine that we can’t forget is the one for hepatitis B.
2. Practice Safe S..ex..
3. Get Tested
Getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases can reduce the long-term consequences of an infection. For example, bacterial diseases such as gonorrhea can lead to serious consequences such as infertility.
Making an appointment to get yourself tested with your new partner before starting a ssexual relationship is a better idea than you think. In this way, both of you will make sure that you’re not putting each other at risk. Getting tested from time to time will allow you to maintain control in this very relevant area
STDs can affect people at any age. Even if you’ve had a monogamous marriage or if you’re an elderly person, there’s always the risk of getting an STD if you’re with a new partne
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October 18, 2017
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