Question: For the past 12 years, I have been addicted to masturbation. Please how can I stop?
What is Masturbation?
Masturbation is a universal phenomenon, occurring in all cultures throughout history. It is often a practice of adolescents who are trying to figure out how to sexually please them before entering into adult relationships. If masturbation has become somewhat of an obsession for you so that it blocks other aspects of your life or you happen to belong to a type of religion that forbids this act, there are ways as to how to avid masturbation so you can control this type of urge.
15 Tips to Avoid Masturbation
There are many ways you can try to avoid masturbation. You just have to have the right mindset and a commitment to stop the behavior.
1. Use Your Energy and Time in Other Ways
Try to stay busy doing activities that engage you in other ways besides masturbation. Sublimate by doing things like writing, painting, drawing, playing a musical instrument, or playing sports. Eat healthy and try to cultivate some kind of skill that gives you pleasure and focuses your brain, such as carpentry, cooking, archery or volunteering. Anything you have interests to can take your time and be a good way to learn how to avoid masturbation.
2. Make a Plan to Avoid Masturbation During High Risk Times
If you find there are certain activities or times of the day that are at a high risk, make special attention toward avoiding masturbation. If, for example, you do it in the shower, make it a short, cool shower that won’t be as tempting. If you do it in the middle of the night, get out of bed and do some exercise to deflect your mind away from masturbation. If you do it when you are bored, fill your time with activities to stop the urges. Sleep with an extra layer of pajamas in order to make it more difficult to masturbate.
3. Be Around People
If you find yourself masturbating out of loneliness, try to stay social. Join some social clubs, so you can be around people or join a dating site that you have someone on the internet to talk to. Walk with a friend instead of staying at home masturbating. Soon you will learn how to avoid masturbation and will get into relationships instead. Try to stay out in public as much as possible so you won’t be alone.
4. Avoid Watching Pornography
If you find you masturbate to pornography on the computer, you should stay off your computer. Put in porn-blocking software, so you won’t have access to pornography. Throw away the password to the porn-blocker, so you won’t be tempted into watching it on the computer. Move your computer to a public area where people would see you if you were watching pornography. If you have magazines or other sources of pornography, get rid of it. There are apps that also can help you with your addiction to pornography.
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5. Get Into Comedy Television
Watch funny television shows that will keep your mind off of something like masturbation and into something that will engage your mind and your funny bone. Comedy television is on all the time and you can watch just about any sit-com in order to think about their lives instead of what’s otherwise on your mind.
6. Listen to Music and Try Getting a Massage
Better yet, do them at the same time. You will feel the sensuality of the massage and will be less likely to think about masturbation. You may even develop an addiction to being massaged and will learn how to avoid masturbation by keeping your body otherwise pampered by another person.
7. Get a Pet
Having some sort of company by getting a dog or cat can help you have a buddy to hang around with instead of thinking about masturbation. Pets can take over our lives quite quickly and can keep us occupied on taking care of the pet rather than wallowing in loneliness and masturbation.
8. Urinate Instead
Whenever you get the urge to masturbate, go to the restroom and urinate. This serves in men to deflate the penis and will turn off thoughts of masturbation. It reminds you what the organ is really used for and turns you off from masturbation.
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September 29, 2017
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